Friday, January 2, 2015


Quid est veritas?.....Pontius Pilate
What is truth?
  1. conformity to facts; accuracy.
    "officials expressed doubts concerning the veracity of the story"
    synonyms:truthfulnesstruthaccuracy, correctness, faithfulnessfidelityMore
    • habitual truthfulness.
      "voters should be concerned about his veracity and character"
Alice Rudebusch 
Racine County Court Commissioner

In Racine County Courts, there is a problem with public officials seeking and presenting the truth.  
The value of veracity I speak of concerns police, prosecution and above all, judges.

When judges refuse to look at the truth and fail to demand veracity in it's courts, there is little hope for justice.
There is a current case in the Racine County Court system that involves the incompetence and corruption of the Racine Police Department.  

This case I speak of involves an officers report filled with errors and a judge that has not acted on the truth.  This is the current sad state of affairs in Racine County government.

We are here to illuminate featured cases in Racine County Courts.  Some will be disturbing, others enlightening.  Some may highlight the insanity of our judges, and others may reflect wisdom, case by case.

Our first featured case will be:
State vs. Kurt Hanson

Our opening case features a defective complaint sworn into court records.

A link to this case is presented at

Embrace veracity!

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